Sunday, February 28, 2010

With glowing hearts

For some strange reason [*cough - Olympics - cough*], I'm feeling ridiculously patriotic.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

They didn't just say it, they made it be

Last night I hunkered down with a blanket and a bowl of popcorn and watched the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. I certainly hadn't intended to. The Olympics hold little interest for me, but I was in Edmonton staying with a friend and she wanted to watch them.

I was amazed by how much I enjoyed the production. The music selections were fabulous. I loved the inclusion of First Nations and Inuit people and cultures. I teared up at the beautiful segment about my home, the prairies. I even felt a swell of pride seeing the Canadian athletes.

There were two highlights for me. The first was k.d. lang singing "Hallelujah." A. Mazing.

I wish the International Olympic Committee was allowing the sharing of videos because, although this is great, it doesn't come close to her performance in Vancouver.

The second highlight was Shane Koyczan performing "We Are More."

Again, there isn't the same energy in this recording as there was in BC Place, but you can maybe understand why by the end of the poem I had tears in my eyes.

Mostly? It was great seeing two people who don't look like Megan Fox or Brad Pitt completely fucking rock. Score one for the lesbians and one for the big people!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Still lives

The days and nights are still. It's cold outside. Really damn cold. People do not go outside if they can help it. Cats sleep pressed up against the radiator. Orange extension cords snake from car to electrical outlet.

What do I do? I grab my camera, a white table cloth, and a bunch of things from around my apartment.

Still Life with Elephant

Sea Dog Matches

Still Life on Mars

Two Solitudes

My Grandpa's Cameras

Camera Detail 1

Camera Detail 2

The final photo I took was of two precious objects, both given to me recently for finishing all my cancer treatments. A friend gave me the figure and my mom had the pendant made for me. I'm DONE!

Still Celebration